About Me



I joined most of my fandoms in 2018 – which is recent, I know  (in case you’re wondering it is 4/24/19 2:23pm at the moment) – but I’ve added a lot more this year, so I felt that I needed to create a section for it in my bio.

The Lord of the Rings – Yes, the most classic of all the fandoms. Well, perhaps that’s not entirely true but it is in my book! Speaking of books, this gem is a masterpiece. (The Silmarillion even stars gems) My favorite character? Pfft, no true Tolkienist could ever ask that question. (I think) (Can I really classify myself as a true Tolkienist?) Perhaps not, but this is still one of my most beloved fandoms – in fact, I think it’s more than that. Let’s call it the Iluvatar among fandoms.

The Pirates of the Caribbean – Oh, you laugh but these movies – the first three and last scene of the 5th at least – are actually good, okay? Yes, I admit that they do get somewhat sleazy at times. But the redeeming qualities are so overpowering – the sass of Captain Jack, the sweetness of Will, and the strength of Elizabeth, that I do really love it. Though I disliked the last two movies, they still had scenes that I fell in love with – specifically the last one in the 5th movie.

Not Mine

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them – I also enjoyed the Harry Potter franchise immensely, but I don’t really consider myself part of the fandom. XD The first movie (of Fantastic Beasts) holds a special place in my heart forever. So many cinnamon rolls, ahh. In case you’re wondering? I’ve decided that I’m a Slytherclaw31% Slytherin, 30% Ravenclaw, 28% Gryffindor, and 11% Hufflepuff.

Hamilton – I admit – I’m one of those annoying people that adores Hamilton. Yes, it’s not a totally clean soundtrack, but the lyrics and music is so genius that I can forgive some of the impurities. Besides, it’s written by Lin-Manuel Miranda who also stars in it, so how I can I dislike it? Some of my favorite songs on the track…nah, too hard of a question. Sadly, I have not actually seen it since it’s in NYC while I’m located on the West Coast, crazily expensive, and I want to see it original cast. 😛

Jane Austen – Is this even a fandom? XD If not, then I shall make it one. I decided to join after reading Pride and Prejudice and falling very much in love. It’s amazing. I’m on Northanger Abbey now – though maybe when you’ve read this I’m already done – and I find it fascinating. Jane Austen is a genius to be admired.



I’d love to become a sarcastic literary professor one day – you know what I mean? My older brother told me this story about his professor who marked 30 points off a friend for spelling his name wrong which…sounds like me. People spell my name like Annie, for goodness’s sake.

I’d also love to work in neuroscience and psychology somehow – the idea of how our minds work has always fascinated me to no end.

Where do I want to live in the future? Definitely somewhere in Europe. I’ve heard that the political situation isn’t too good, but I mean…it has England. And Italy. And Switzerland. Did I mention that I’ve always wanted to yodel on the Alps? Don’t judge; it’s just such a beautiful art, ya know?

Not Mine


But enough about your fandoms and plans, Enni. What about YOU? Well, here goes.

I’m an INTP who lives in the state of Washington. In case you didn’t know, that’s in the US. Am I a social person? Well, that depends on who I’m with. If it’s people whom I don’t know too well, NOPE. If it’s people whom I’m comfortable with, absolutely.

As you can probably tell, I love my books and movies. I enjoy writing them as well, though I’m not sure whether I’d like to make a career out of it or not. I’d like to publish at least one in my lifetime, though looking back I probably should have put this in my “Schemes + Dreams” section. Oh well.

I’m homeschooled, though I go to a co-op thingy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It’s on a 1-acre property that owned by a couple with three kids – one girl and a pair of boy-girl twins. The mom of the family teaches it, being a PhD in literature. (It’s great) There’s only seven students right now – six girls and one guy. The poor guy’s outnumbered 5:1. XD

I’m a Christian, and if you have any questions about that, feel free to ask me. 🙂 In the meantime, don’t be afraid to click on this page.

Not Mine

Since I don’t really have anything else to say, I’ll wrap this up. My best wishes to you, and I hope that you enjoy your stay. 🙂

Blank 4 x 2 in (3)




104 thoughts on “About Me

    1. Oh absolutely – Angelica is a queen. I also have a lot of respect for Eliza; in fact all the Schuyler sisters I like. Even Peggy, who only sings in one song. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ooh! I’m part of so many of those fandoms! Yayyyy! I also am obsessed with Hamilton (my prof pic is literally me in an oversized Hamilton shirt that my friend got me in fifth grade but I still don’t fit in)! I mean, it’s GENIUS, and I shall never bow down to those who disagree!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It is! And we’re both on the West side of the US (‘cept I’m in CA) as well! I really love ‘Satisfied’, ‘Helpless’, ‘The Story of Tonight’, and ‘Guns and Ships’ (have you heard the rhyming in that? GOLD). What are your favorite songs?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: 2 in 1 No. 16
  3. Pingback: 2 in 1 No. 12
  4. I love your list! You sound like such a lovely person!
    I also have a habit of killing my characters….I mean I have to make the reader sad, what better way than to kill one of the beloved characters! 😀
    Also Anne of Green Gables is the BEST!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, boy, we are SO alike. I’m indecisive, I love pie, my favorite book series is Anne of Green Gables, I LOVE food videos and I barely watch anything else, I hate disappointing people…the list could go on and on! 😀 oh, and thanks so much for linking to my blog! You’re so sweet ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh my goodness…..we really are! Anne of Green Gables is SO awesome! I really want book 7&8. Disappointing people is the worst, I just want to cry with them. FOOD VIDEOS YUM. You’re welcome! You deserve it. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know!!!
      Hehe, I got a new bible, and then last Sunday, a man we know tapped my dad on the shoulder during a song, and handed me my long lost bible?? What?!

      Liked by 1 person

            1. True, true. Maybe they read the Bible and got saved! 😀 Although, I feel like then they would’ve at least tried to return the Bible… Did your dad ever get his Bible back? XD

              Liked by 1 person

                    1. I don’t want to leave this conversation…but I have to go play piano….I’ll be back in half-an-hour, although by that time it’ll be pretty late in your time zone. 😦 (It’s only 7:30 here)

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. “A sudden, violent, irregular movement of a limb or of the body.” Convulsion, also known as alien hand syndrome (that’s a real disorder; look it up).

                      Liked by 2 people

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