Happy 4th Birthday, A Barefoot Gal! + Pen Pal Themed Giveaway

Hello, all! Just popping back in from my hiatus to share the news that Megan is hosting a giveaway! Also, Happy Mother’s Day to all moms – because believe it or not, parents are most definitely a blessing! ❤ Especially your moms. 😉

A Barefoot Gal

Hello everyone!

Guess what today is! If you answered that it’s either my brothers birthday, Mother’s Day, Frog Jumping Day, or my blog’s fourth blogiversary, you are correct! Since, after all, this is on my blog, I will mainly be discussing that holiday but before we start here’s a little bit on the other holidays. Besides, it would be strange if I went straight to the point, right? I gotta throw in some random stuff first. 🙂

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